I have used Permanent strings and a number of European players do. some
basses work well with flecocor on top Permanent on the bottom and permanent
on top Helicore on the bottom combinations. The solo strings are unbeatable
on many basses. The sound is like brighter Helicore. Response is good,
sustain is good, they carry well. I personally, much prefer them to
Obligatos. They are Obligatos with a metal core sort of thing. I cannot get
with the nylon fizz.
Having said all this, as we all know, I don't really like strings. I keep
going back to my dead old Helicore strings.
Questa è la risposta di Thomas Martin sul tema. Non preoccupatevi ... non è un nostro lettore

. Ho solo estrapolato la risposta che mi è arrivata due secondi fa.
p.s.: maledetta influenza