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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) CATALIN ROTARU -  "Bass*ic cello" New CD (Read 26382 times)
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Reply #20 - 04.03.2007 at 14:29:42
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Proviamo nel mio pessimo Inglese, anche se Catalin credo che capisca l' Italiano.

Thanks a lot, Catalin.
When one work is well done, it's a pleasure to promote it ... also in this little italian Forum. It's strange, but I thought you used Corellis with Rach. Your instrument really seems a "Cello" in the higher positions. I think Flexocore is the best set of strings for bow playing. But then it depends...!

Just one question, if you would like to answer.
We're talking about the utility of transcriptions for a doublebass.
Naturally, you should be agreed with them !!! But is there a specific reason, in your opinion?

Sorry my no correct English!

Insomma, servono o non servono queste trascrizioni da altri strumenti? 


vito liuzzi
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Reply #21 - 04.03.2007 at 20:27:00
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Ciao Vito e cari colleghi,
first, your english is absolutely superb and secondly, this forum is wonderful and it is a very useful resource for all bass players from Italy and abroad to exchange news and stay informed about what's new in our small bassist's world. Now allow me to answer your question: I am not playing these transcriptions because we don't have enough pieces in the bass repertoire; as we all know, there are many great solos for bass although, of course, not as much as there are for violin or piano which is normal. I simply love very much these particular pieces I played, originally written for other instruments (cello or violin) and if there is any small chance or possibility to play them on bass, believe me I will take it. The main advantage is that a piece like Brahms or Rachmaninov sonatas (to give an example) will really help you not only expand your technique but also develop and grow as a musician. Of course, they are not easy to play and it requires a deep knowledge of the instrument and many hours of practice but I believe it is worth and extremely rewarding at the end. I hope this answered your question and if you have more, please don't hesitate to ask. Yours trully,

Proviamo nel mio pessimo Inglese, anche se Catalin credo che capisca l' Italiano.

Thanks a lot, Catalin.
When one work is well done, it's a pleasure to promote it ... also in this little italian Forum. It's strange, but I thought you used Corellis with Rach. Your instrument really seems a "Cello" in the higher positions. I think Flexocore is the best set of strings for bow playing. But then it depends...!

Just one question, if you would like to answer.
We're talking about the utility of transcriptions for a doublebass.
Naturally, you should be agreed with them !!! But is there a specific reason, in your opinion?

Sorry my no correct English!

Insomma, servono o non servono queste trascrizioni da altri strumenti? 



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Re: CATALIN ROTARU -  "Bass*ic cello" Ne
Reply #22 - 05.03.2007 at 10:22:51
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Dear Catalin,
you have said: "if there is any small chance or possibility to play them on bass, believe me I will take it".
Well, I'm agree with you. Naturally Bach Sonatas are more beautiful on a cello respect to a double bass. Surely also Rach, Brahms, Dvorak or others are more beautiful on the original instruments. But when someone like you or maestro Alberto Bocini who is able to play Beethoven, Schumann or Chopin transcriptions with very good results, well, I personally appreciate the chance you give us to listen to these works also on a double bass. It's very difficult, but a dream might be that one day someone might say: "I didn't think Brahms Sonata works well also on a double bass" Wink!
But probably the most important thing is playing at the best "our" traditional repertorie ... if it's possible (ok, if you ask someone who was Bottesini probably he will answer you: "Who?" ...). But the efforts to develope our technique on "our" instrument, the doublebass, must to be encouraged ... also with some "compromises". 
Probably, in the last fifty year it has been one of the most developed instrument. But it's not a our fault if the repertory is no big!!! Great soloists teach us that it's possible to make music also with a double bass and expecially in Orchestras. 
But I would like to remember that there are other instruments which suffer much more than us!!! 
I stop with one personal consideration.
Probably, someone of us suffer not because of the lack of repertory, but because no great names wrote for it. But if in Mozart's period would be existed the CORELLIS Medium in Tungsten or Nickel and professional doublebass players, probably things might be gone in a different way. So let's forget with the past and go on with a lot of contemporary talented guys which surely will give more visibility to our instrument. 
Perhaps, this is the way to follow.

Thanks a lot Catalin, for expressing your opinion.

And good luck for your Cd!


Vito Liuzzi
vito liuzzi
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Re: CATALIN ROTARU -  "Bass*ic cello" Ne
Reply #23 - 09.03.2007 at 11:47:20
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Finalmente č arrivato l' originale del Cd del maestro Catalin Rotaru. 
Confermo l' eccellente impressione che ho avuto sin dagli inizi.
Highly Recommended, chissā, magari anche per gli amici jazzisti se vogliono avere un Cd di contrabbasso classico molto particolare e soprattutto ben registrato. E' solo un mio parere!

Addirittura si sono scomodati sia GARY KARR che THOMAS MARTIN nel dare un loro giudizio sintetico all' incredibile sforzo tecnico-musico-interpretativo di Catalin Rotaru. Non potevano dire che bene, ed a ragion veduta!

Inoltre, fra i ringraziamenti č menzionato il nostro emergente archettaio Marco Pasquino (
ed il nostro bravo liutaio Luciano Golia (che non so se abbia un sito web). Il maestro Rotaru sembra aver acquistato un contrabbasso del maestro Golia, ne parlammo a suo tempo, dal quale č stato praticamente stregato!!!

To Catalin:

"I hope this marvellous CD can have the right success all over the world, so it will be possible to listen to your Art in every sense". 

Vito Liuzzi.
vito liuzzi
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Re: CATALIN ROTARU -  "Bass*ic cello" Ne
Reply #24 - 09.03.2007 at 22:22:10
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Ciao tutti,
Vito, it is a great honor for me to be on your forum and again, thanks for talking so highly about my CD! I really hope everybody will enjoy listening to it as much as I enjoyed recording it. If anybody has any question about me or the CD please don't hesitate to contact me. All the best!!!

Finalmente č arrivato l' originale del Cd del maestro Catalin Rotaru. 
Confermo l' eccellente impressione che ho avuto sin dagli inizi.
Highly Recommended, chissā, magari anche per gli amici jazzisti se vogliono avere un Cd di contrabbasso classico molto particolare e soprattutto ben registrato. E' solo un mio parere!

Addirittura si sono scomodati sia GARY KARR che THOMAS MARTIN nel dare un loro giudizio sintetico all' incredibile sforzo tecnico-musico-interpretativo di Catalin Rotaru. Non potevano dire che bene, ed a ragion veduta!

Inoltre, fra i ringraziamenti č menzionato il nostro emergente archettaio Marco Pasquino (
ed il nostro bravo liutaio Luciano Golia (che non so se abbia un sito web). Il maestro Rotaru sembra aver acquistato un contrabbasso del maestro Golia, ne parlammo a suo tempo, dal quale č stato praticamente stregato!!!

To Catalin:

"I hope this marvellous CD can have the right success all over the world, so it will be possible to listen to your Art in every sense". 

Vito Liuzzi.

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Re: CATALIN ROTARU -  "Bass*ic cello" New CD
Reply #25 - 07.04.2007 at 01:15:59
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Ciao cari amici,
I wanted to tell you about my new bow which I got today from Marco Pasquino. I know it will sound like a promotional message but I guess Marco deserves this kind of promotion for such a magnificent work. As you can tell probably, I am very excited because of this new bow which is simply a work of art. I asked Marco a while ago to make a snake wood bow for me and I will try to explain the reason. I played before with such a bow and I noticed that the sound is a lot warmer and more round in comparison to a pernambuco bow. Of course the pernambuco bow will have more punch because of the extra harmonics but sometimes for some pieces you need that warm sound and softness in tone which the snake wood bow will give you. So Marco did a fabulous job; not only is the bow he made beautiful, but also plays very well and spicatto has never been easier. So if anybody ever needs a good bow, I personally would highly recommend Marco.

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Re: CATALIN ROTARU -  "Bass*ic cello" New CD
Reply #26 - 07.04.2007 at 11:42:11
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catalin wrote on 07.04.2007 at 01:15:59:
Ciao cari amici,
I wanted to tell you about my new bow which I got today from Marco Pasquino. I know it will sound like a promotional message but I guess Marco deserves this kind of promotion for such a magnificent work. As you can tell probably, I am very excited because of this new bow which is simply a work of art. I asked Marco a while ago to make a snake wood bow for me and I will try to explain the reason. I played before with such a bow and I noticed that the sound is a lot warmer and more round in comparison to a pernambuco bow. Of course the pernambuco bow will have more punch because of the extra harmonics but sometimes for some pieces you need that warm sound and softness in tone which the snake wood bow will give you. So Marco did a fabulous job; not only is the bow he made beautiful, but also plays very well and spicatto has never been easier. So if anybody ever needs a good bow, I personally would highly recommend Marco.


Off Topic
Dear Catalin,
it's not a promotional message: it's simply your opinion, naturally Off Topic !!!

I hope "every" bow makers in Italy can demonstrate their qualities or skills. 

Fine OT




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