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ISB CONVENTION 2007 - Oklahoma
16.06.2007 at 18:34:08
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ISB CONVENTION 2007 - Oklahoma

Apro questo Topic nella speranza che qualcuno mi sappia dire come sono andate le cose alla ISB Convention di quest' anno, sotto tutti i profili.

Penso che il nostro amico e collega maestro Catalin Rotaru ci potrà dire qualcosa su questo incredibile appuntamento dei contrabbassisti a livello internazionale. 
Spero tanto che anche il maestro Sciascia, se dovesse leggere questo mio Topic, abbia voglia di raccontarci la sua ennesima esperienza in questa ormai per lui usuale Convention alla quale adesso viene invitato, anche perchè il maestro Rotaru mi ha detto che si sono incontrati.

Naturalmente chiunque abbia qualsiasi notizia o curiosità su questo appuntamento è il benvenuto.

Ringraziando anticipatamente.

vito liuzzi
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Re: ISB CONVENTION 2007 - Oklahoma
Reply #1 - 18.06.2007 at 11:20:46
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Carissimo Vito ,
sono contento che tu abbia ripreso a scrivere su questo Forum con maggiore forza e vigore !
L' ISB Convention e' un avvenimento a cui ogni contrabbassista dovrebbe partecipare , il viaggio negli States e' un po' lungo ma ne vale la pena .
Questa di Oklahoma City per me e' stata particolarmente bella perche' quest'anno ho potuto camminare ,vedere ed ascoltare tutto quello che mi piaceva , due anni fa purtroppo dopo la slogatura della caviglia ,obbligato dalle stampelle , ho solo suonato il mio concerto ed ascoltato pochissimo .

Molti amici ed un calore che mi ha scaldato il cuore ,alla quarta partecipazione ormai i Musicisti sono familiari ed e' bellissimo ascoltare quello che ognuno porta per far crescere il nostro strumento sotto ogni aspetto , interpretativo didattico e tecnico .

Ho conosciuto Catalin che e' molto simpatico , era Presidente della giuria per la solo division ed il ragazzo che ha vinto suonava veramente con grande personalita' ed un suono bellissimo , questo senza togliere nulla agli altri ragazzi .

Venerdi' 8 Giugno ho suonato anche io con tutto l'impegno e l'Amore per la Musica che ogni volta porto con me .

Carissimi tutti , auguro a ogni meraviglioso Musicista che leggera' questo messaggio un mondo di bene .

Ciao Stefano Sciascia 

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Re: ISB CONVENTION 2007 - Oklahoma
Reply #2 - 18.06.2007 at 17:26:42
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Ciao cari amici,
indeed, just like Stefano said, the ISB Convention is an event that all bass players should try to attend. It is extremely intresting and educational and you can find there everything, from solo to orchestra passages, to jazz or contemporary repertoire. Also, you can attend solo recitals, master classes in solo repertoire, orchestra excerpts or jazz, and many other demonstrations or lectures on many subjects and topics. And of course, at the beginning of the convention you can listen to any of the solo, orchestra, younger divisions or jazz competitions. Sometimes I just think there is too much going on as you have 2 or 3 events taking place at the same time. This year I had the honor to be the president of the solo division of the competition (they also asked me to serve on the board of directors of the ISB)and I want to tell you, it was very intense and it seems like the level of playing gets better everytime. The first prize winner is from Latvia (Letonia), we split the second prize between a Korean guy who studies with Klaus Trumpf and an American guy and decided not to award the 3rd prize. I also played a recital on Friday right before Stefano Sciascia so that way I was able to go and listen to his recital; as always, he played with beautiful sound, very confident and expressiv - a real treat. In the end, I want to say again that for any bass player, from amateur to professional this convention is a true blessing because it has so much to offer at all levels so it will be a well spent week every 2 years. Best wishes and ciao a tutti!
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Re: ISB CONVENTION 2007 - Oklahoma
Reply #3 - 18.06.2007 at 23:15:05
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Just to say thank you Catalin .
You are right when you say that 2 or 3 events at the same time are difficult to attend .
I was preparing to go on the stage and you were performing in another Hall so it was impossible this time to listen to your Recital .
I really hope that we will be on different days the next time .
You are a Great Artist and I want to listen to you live after your wonderful CD Bass*ic Cello Notes !
All the Best 
Ciao Stefano .

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Re: ISB CONVENTION 2007 - Oklahoma
Reply #4 - 19.06.2007 at 17:19:06
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Stefano, thank you for your kind words! They mean a lot coming from an artist of your caliber! At future ISB board meetings I will try to make a case regarding the scheduling of so many events at the same time but I know it will be hard to change this. Also, on a different note, the next ISB Convention will take place at Penn State University in Pennsylvania so it will be just a little closer for people coming from Europe. Ciao e a presto!
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Re: ISB CONVENTION 2007 - Oklahoma
Reply #5 - 22.06.2007 at 11:09:33
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   is Oklahoma a  pleasant and nice to bring there the family as well?
I wonder if I can leave my family going around there while I attend the convention....
best regards,
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Re: ISB CONVENTION 2007 - Oklahoma
Reply #6 - 23.06.2007 at 01:01:50
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Ciao Danilo,
the ISB Convention takes place only once every 2 years and everytime it is hosted by a different university. So you should look into the next location which will be Penn State University in Pennsylvania. Unfortunatelly, I don't know much about that particular place but I'm sure you'll have plenty of time (almost 2 years) to get more information. I've seen many bassists bringing their families to the convention city so you won't be alone in that situation. A presto,
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Re: ISB CONVENTION 2007 - Oklahoma
Reply #7 - 26.06.2007 at 11:49:56
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Dear Catalin and Stefano,
(scrivo nel mio sgrammaticato Inglese nella speranza di aiutare Catalin che cmq. l' Italiano mi pare lo comprenda bene), now I want to be a journalist (much better then a double bass player Embarrassed Undecided) and I would like to ask you two: "How do you prepare a recital 30 minutes before playing on the stage?"

I ask you this strange question, because a lot of people ask me which is the better thing to do before playing on the stage, for a recital, for a single concert, during a competition and so on.

So, do you think there's a secret or it's a question regarding to the own personality , sensibility and technical approach? Or what do you suggest to young musicians?

Thanks a lot if you answer to this OT!



p.s.: naturalmente chiunque volesse può descriverci il proprio modo di riscaldarsi (45° a parte qui a Bari!) prima di un evento importante. E' un tema che credo non abbiamo mai discusso e ne approffitto della presenza di due big come il nostro Stefano e Catalin.
vito liuzzi
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Re: ISB CONVENTION 2007 - Oklahoma
Reply #8 - 26.06.2007 at 19:26:45
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Ciao tutti,
I will answer the question from my prospective because like you said, it's a matter of personal preference and psychological aproach. And 30 minutes before the recital there is not much you can do except keep warming up; in fact, I start the warm up much earlier but 30 minutes is the minimum I need to feel confident and secure on stage. Playing scales is always the most important part of my warm up and then I run slowly all the difficult passages. I hope this answers your question Vito. 
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Re: ISB CONVENTION 2007 - Oklahoma
Reply #9 - 27.06.2007 at 10:47:11
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Many thanks for Catalin about answering the question ref. Oklahoma...
all the best!
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Re: ISB CONVENTION 2007 - Oklahoma
Reply #10 - 27.06.2007 at 12:05:39
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Finally, dear Catalin, your Cd has finished in Robin Stowel' hands. Don't worry! In my opinion he has no umderstood nothing about your Ciaccona. BTW it's my own impression. Generally a good comment; personally about something I'm not so agreed, just because I've listened to your CD at least 20 times since I received the master. Probably the great critic Robin Stowel has listened to it one and half.

Maestro Stefano Sciascia knows something. But a critic must do his work ... or not ?? Lips Sealed 

Ciao and good luck for this marvellous work.

vito liuzzi
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Re: ISB CONVENTION 2007 - Oklahoma
Reply #11 - 27.06.2007 at 16:48:59
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Dear Vito,
the review was written by a woman, who I understand is not even a bass player and who evidently has no idea or deep understanding about the act of music making on the double bass. Other people asked me if she is my declared enamy  Smiley, because she is so far off in her perception and missed completely the point I was trying to make, which is to show both, the world of the professional musicians and to the music lovers that the bass has a tremendous potential as a solo instrument and this potential needs to be tapped into and explored. I guess this magazin should be named the "Anti Double Bassist" since it doesn't actually promote properly the instrument or the efforts some of us make to bring the bass on a higher pedestal. By contrast, the review from the ISB magazine is totally on the positive side so I still have no idea why Ms. Chloe Cutts from the Double Bassist decided to write such a lousy review. Even if people would protest her totally uninspired and unjust remarks about the CD, she is still entitled to her opinions but they shouldn't be published in such a reputable magazine. Sorry for my long message but I was too disgusted by this and ultimately people and especially the bass players will have the final word in this matter. Ciao a tutti e a presto!
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Re: ISB CONVENTION 2007 - Oklahoma
Reply #12 - 27.06.2007 at 18:37:24
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catalin wrote on 27.06.2007 at 16:48:59:
Dear Vito,
the review was written by a woman, who I understand is not even a bass player and who evidently has no idea or deep understanding about the act of music making on the double bass. Other people asked me if she is my declared enamy  Smiley, because she is so far off in her perception and missed completely the point I was trying to make, which is to show both, the world of the professional musicians and to the music lovers that the bass has a tremendous potential as a solo instrument and this potential needs to be tapped into and explored. I guess this magazin should be named the "Anti Double Bassist" since it doesn't actually promote properly the instrument or the efforts some of us make to bring the bass on a higher pedestal. By contrast, the review from the ISB magazine is totally on the positive side so I still have no idea why Ms. Chloe Cutts from the Double Bassist decided to write such a lousy review. Even if people would protest her totally uninspired and unjust remarks about the CD, she is still entitled to her opinions but they shouldn't be published in such a reputable magazine. Sorry for my long message but I was too disgusted by this and ultimately people and especially the bass players will have the final word in this matter. Ciao a tutti e a presto!

Ah, now it's enough clear and evident ! My God, dear Catalin!

Fortunally, people in the world knows that Double Bassist's reviews are not the "more objective". It's not the first time. Let's no talk about reviews concerning Italian double bass players! 

BTW, I'm sure
So, at the end, I think your work will have a great success ... DB apart!

My best regards


vito liuzzi
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Re: ISB CONVENTION 2007 - Oklahoma
Reply #13 - 29.06.2007 at 10:06:47
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Ciao a tutti .
I think that Catalin new Cd is beautiful well played and with a new program that may open the minds of many db players .
I listen to the Music , I play ,I know what does it mean to record a CD .
Words fly Music recorded remains  Cool.

I had a bad review by Robin Stowell of my 2005 Bottesini Cd Adagio Melanconico e appassionato on double Bassist Magazine .
Bass World wrote a beautiful review of the same Cd , highly recommended !


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Re: ISB CONVENTION 2007 - Oklahoma
Reply #14 - 29.06.2007 at 14:48:33
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Stefano_Sciascia wrote on 29.06.2007 at 10:06:47:
Ciao a tutti .
I think that Catalin new Cd is beautiful well played and with a new program that may open the minds of many db players .
I listen to the Music , I play ,I know what does it mean to record a CD .
Words fly Music recorded remains  Cool.

I had a bad review by Robin Stowell of my 2005 Bottesini Cd Adagio Melanconico e appassionato on double Bassist Magazine .
Bass World wrote a beautiful review of the same Cd , highly recommended !




By Rob Nairn[size=14][/size] BASS WORLD 

Catalin Rotaru, double bass

Baruch Meir, piano

Thomas Landschoot, cello

Andrew Campbell, piano

Summit Records DCD 474


The title of this recording comes from the two cello transcriptions (the Brahms E Minor and Rachmaninoff Op. 19 Sonatas), which bookend this dynamic and exciting release. Although the Brahms and Rachmaninoff have both been recorded before on the bass, these are certainly the most vibrant and passionate performances I have yet heard.

Catalin Rotaru is professor of double bass at Arizona State University and has already had an impressive career both in the U.S. and his native Romania. He is a performer at home in a wide variety of musical styles and clearly very comfortable in the romantic tradition.


The Brahms Sonata is a transcription by Joseph Prunner and stays very faithful to the original version. From the very opening Rotaru displays a great affinity for Brahms – the constant rubato, highly expressive vibrato and considered phrasing. This is rather reminiscent of Steven Isserlis’ first recording with a real luminescence of tone and alternate tenderness and fury as the work requires. One of the first works from Brahms in Vienna and lacking a slow movement (Brahms wrote one but discarded it) this takes much thought, restraint and subtlety and this is all in evidence in this recording. This is also highly spirited music making; Rotaru and pianist Baruch Meir make an intelligent partnership, the Bach-inspired Fugal subject of the Final Allegro is lively, exciting and admirably paced.


Rotaru’s arrangement of the Bach Chaconne from the D minor Partita as a duo for cello and bass is engaging and very effective. Unfortunately after the richness of the opening the cello sometimes comes off sounding rather distant and harsh in the recording, particularly in the forte passages, which does not help to create a very blended sound. Nonetheless this is an excellent transcription and very worthy of frequent listening.


The performance the Rachmaninoff’s Op. 19 Sonata, written by the 28-year old composer in 1901 is the real highlight of this disc. The composer himself said of the work “It is not for cello with piano accompaniment but for two instruments in equal balance: and here Rotaru and pianist Andrew Campbell achieve that admirably, with the help of a really outstandingly clear and rich recording. The opening of the first movement portrays all of its pastoral leanings with great poise; the following whirlwind of changing moods pits the dark melodic bass line against the highly decorative and digressive piano. The opening of the Andante is simply some of the most beautiful bass playing I have heard in some time. Rotaru has a great ability to shape long emotive phrases with ease and great understanding. The technical ease of both performers makes for obvious comparisons with many cello recordings on much higher profile labels. This is an outstanding release and hopefully the first of many from this enormously talented musician.

More information:
Catalin Rotaru

Associate Professor of Double Bass

School of Music 
Arizona State University 
P.O. Box 870405
Tempe, AZ 85287-0405


vito liuzzi
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Re: ISB CONVENTION 2007 - Oklahoma
Reply #15 - 29.06.2007 at 14:52:51
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How you can see, Bass World gives a very a very good review about maestro CATALIN ROTARU CD.

Probably Double Bassist and Bass World have listened two different Cds  Undecided



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Re: ISB CONVENTION 2007 - Oklahoma
Reply #16 - 29.06.2007 at 18:01:16
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Ho pensato di inserire questo sito dove il nostro maestro Catalin esegue qualcosa dal suo Cd Bass*ic Cello Notes di cui tanto abbiamo parlato, e della diversità di opinioni fra il commento di Double Bassist e quello di Bass World (che abbiamo avuto in anteprima).

Mi sembrava giusto riportare qualcosa di "suonato" altrimenti molti classici che magari non hanno ascoltato il Cd non possono farsi una propria idea del modo di suonare del maestro Rotaru.

Mi sembra scontato dire che la qualità sonora del Cd è notevolmente migliore, anzi si tratta di un Cd che sotto il profilo audio è veramente fatto bene, cosa non sempre evidente per i Cd che riguardano il contrabbasso solista.

Provo a riassumere in Inglese per Catalin ... mamma mia  Embarrassed
I've thought to insert this Link where Catalin Rotaru plays something on Mp3 directly from his last Cd "Bass*ic Cello Notes" (and something more). Just because we have talked about the totally different opinions about this Cd between Double Bassist and Bass World.

So I think in this way a lot of classical double bass players can have their own opinion about Catalin Rotaru's way of playing. Naturally, tracks on Cd are much better than the ones you can listen from the linked site. About this argument, I have to tell you that Bass*ic Cello Notes is well done under a recording point of view. 

Mah ... speriamo che si capisca qualcosa con questo mio Inglese azzoppato!


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Re: ISB CONVENTION 2007 - Oklahoma
Reply #17 - 29.06.2007 at 20:40:15
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Mille grazie Stefano and Vito for your vote of confidence!!! Indeed, I was very upset after reading the review simply because I couldn't understand that woman's opinion and position; it was the first comment more on the negative side I received about the CD (and hopefully the last but you never know). But I guess I'll do the same thing you did Stefano, put it behind me, move ahead and let the people be the best judges. By the way Vito, your English is totally fine so don't worry so much about it. Ciao a tutti!
Respectfully yours,
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Re: ISB CONVENTION 2007 - Oklahoma
Reply #18 - 30.06.2007 at 16:52:15
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vito liuzzi
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Re: ISB CONVENTION 2007 - Oklahoma
Reply #19 - 30.06.2007 at 17:27:41
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vitoliuzzi wrote on 30.06.2007 at 16:52:15:

Chloe Cutts has written this review or Roben Stolen? In one case or in the other I think it's a bad review not for Rotaru (because Bass World has understood the meaning of the hole work) but for what we generally intend as a "musical review". It's difficult for me to express what I have in my head as a journalist (it's a language question) but it's absurd to talk about "substantial accuracy and innate musicality" and then "ponderous in his tempos than most cellists". This means that the reviewer has no understood the meaning of all the projiect! 
Then the reviewer writes some good things but, just to talk bad, tells that the pianist plays "more forte" "when the recording does little justice to his playing". Mah ... I've no noted this aspect, but it's my unknown opinion.

Then some little good things, then I can't understand. Before the reviewer talk of "lacking also in accuracy and clarity", but as soon as possible he says "the two sentimental slower sections of the second movement are sustained with due lyricism, as is the poetic ... "

And Chacconne transcription? Well, the reviewer says that "it also distorts the composer's intentions".
Then, naturally, he talks about some notes out of intonation (but the reviewer is a double bass player?), "harsh cello" and a "poor recording". A bad way to close an article, expecially a review.

Ok, good things and bad things: but none has talked about the incredible effort to realize this projiect, and the immense difficulties that only a few double bass players in the world would be able to engage.

So, dear Catalin listen to Stefano Sciascia's words and go on. One of your travels would be a fantastic thing. BASS WORLD HAS BEEN MORE COMPLETE IN THE ANALYSIS.

STop here and have a great summer.


vito liuzzi
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